The Journal Club

with Chen Saat Murphy (MSc, PgcertHE, dipNT, mNTOI)

The Journal Club quarterly sessions aim to help practicing or non-practicing Nutritional Therapists graduates and students develop a greater level of confidence in reading and understanding the scientific literature, ultimately being able to use primary evidence meaningfully to support intervention decision-making while, at the same time, understanding controversies and limitations of this data in the context of NT. These sessions will also aim to keep you up to date in terms of new and important research that is being published, as well as covering some historical and seminal papers that helped to shape our current knowledge or affect government guidelines.

Strong research, analysis and critical thinking and evaluation skills are key skills for all NTs, and while we develop them while completing our diplomas/ degrees continue and practice them and can contribute to our own practice and the reputation of the industry.

In each 2-hour session, we will focus on one paper and may have a shorter discussion on a review or an opinion paper if time permits. We will start with a relatively simple RCT. In later sessions, can delve into more complex research, meta-analyses etc. You are welcome to send in specific papers on topics you are interested in covering.

In first this session we will be exploring the following paper:

Fish oil supplementation during pregnancy, anthropometrics, and metabolic health at age ten: A randomized clinical trial

Details of this and the preparation involved will be sent out once you register – NB: Preparation is crucial for full participation in the session!!


Sign up for this event is now closed!

The Journal Club

Webinar Details

When: Feb 4th, 7-9pm 

CPD: Approved by NTOI for 2 CPD point

Fee: €10/£8.50

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