Kami Maree

Head of Enrolment & Growth Strategy; Nutrition & Health Coach

Kami looks after the Admissions team at IINH. After many years in the corporate world, she decided to embark on a career focused more within an area that she had a real passion about – health!

Following 2 years studying to be a qualified Pilates Teacher she began to understand the importance of not just exercise but also nutrition for her future clients. As with her Pilates training, it was important to her to have an industry recognised qualification at the end of it, and she qualified as a Nutrition & Health Coach with IINH in 2022.

Her passion now is not only in helping her own clients within her own coaching business and continuing her nutrition studies but supporting students to realise their own potential in this very exciting field.

Like the rest of the team, she can talk from first-hand about her own experience and real enjoyment of learning with IINH.

Kami Maree: Head of Admissions at IINH & Nutrition & Health Coach
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