Certificate in Nutrition & Healthy Living Sample Class

Sample some class materials and our online learning platform

Sample some class materials and our online learning platform

Thank you for your interest in our course content. Please enjoy our short video walkthrough of our online learning platform, some sample class content from our Certificate in Nutrition & Health Living.

Once the Certificate in Nutrition & Healthy Living course is completed you may be inspired to help others towards better health by training to become a Nutrition and Health Coach (BTEC Diploma in Professional Nutrition & Health Coaching – level 4UK/level 6 Ireland). This is supported by a generous special offer: the fee for this Certificate in Healthy Living will be deducted from the BTEC Diploma fee. 

Sample Class Podcast

Intro to Carbohydrates – Richard Burton, founder of the Institute, provides an introduction to the topic on Carbohydrates

Class Handout Extract

Introduction to Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates, proteins and fats are the three macronutrients (macros). Together, they constitute 95% or more of the (dry) weight of the human diet.

Sugars and starches are the carbohydrates we digest, absorb and use for energy. Dietary fibre is mainly carbs, too, but we cannot digest it.

Video walkthrough – IINH eLearning Platform

Welcome to IINH’s online learning platform. We have made a recent move to using the Brightspace learning platform to ensure that our students have the most user friendly and positive learning experience possible. It’s a great resource centre, packed with information and tools to help you on your journey to a more healthful life.

You can connect with fellow students and with the team at IINH via Brightspace, enabling you to keep all of your learning in one place. This short video provides an example of you what you can expect from the Brightspace platform.

Thinking of Enrolling?

Get in touch

If like us, you have a passion for nutrition and health, we’d love to have a chat. Call us on +353 1 272 3003 or email admissions@iinh.net. Meanwhile, we will be in touch with you via email to give you some further information.

Visit our Certificate in Nutrition & Health Living info page to apply online.

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